2025-01-03 17:56:45
经济学基础 曼昆 科学
经济学基础 曼昆第7版pdf
**title: "an introduction to mankiw's 'principles of economics' 7th edition (pdf in english)"**
mankiw's "principles of economics" 7th edition in pdf (english) is a cornerstone in the study of economics. it offers a comprehensive and accessible introduction to economic concepts.
the book begins by covering fundamental ideas such as scarcity and opportunity cost. it then delves into microeconomics, explaining how individuals and firms make decisions regarding production, consumption, and pricing. for example, it analyzes supply and demand curves vividly.
in terms of macroeconomics, it explores topics like economic growth, inflation, and unemployment. it helps students understand how national economies function as a whole. the use of real - world examples and clear diagrams in the pdf makes it easier for readers to grasp complex economic theories. overall, it is an invaluable resource for economics beginners and those seeking to refresh their economic knowledge.