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pdf felement(备考资料:同等学力申硕英语阅读突破训练)

2022-12-30 17:41:12

pdf felement

pdf felement

pdf elements is a revolutionary tool that transforms plain text printing from the pdf into html and text files. the engineer-developed solution gives the convenience and edge of enhanced documents that can be adapted to a variety of individual needs, even for large volumes of text and specialized configurations.
the core of pdf elements is its ability to decode styled and formatted text from the portable document format. any pdf file can be conformed to a readable (albeit non-visual) text file that can be optimized for any html file size requirements by compressing, reformatting and optimizing the font size. furthermore, multiple algorithms are employed to further optimize spelling, punctuation, and other minutiae to enhance the ultimate readability of the html file that is subsequently delivered.
the most appealing aspect of pdf elements is its insight farther than the average pdf capabilities. the visual files remain accessible, downloadable, or even copyable. what makes pdf elements special is its ability to differentiate the text, headers, subtitles, embedded images, and other content in the pdf across readily-formatted html structures such as paragraphs, footnotes, captions, and other that are automatically shaped and embedded into the html source.
no additional controls form a visually rich pdf, but with pdf elements focus on deep-level insight
into the syntactical structure of text and command, plain pdf documents that may not be visually attractive can finally be understood in a logical html markup. masterful for for accessibility professionals, content strategists, online documentation professionals, and any other users that need a total transformation of their old pdf-level into intuiting html/xhtml forms.
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