2022-12-28 22:12:11
structural reform is an important economic policy instrument for promoting innovation, employment, and economic growth. it also plays an important role in promoting higher levels of economic efficiency, welfare, and employment opportunities.
the purpose of structural reform is to transform economic activities and policies in order to foster economic development. it is usually technically referred to as structural adjustment or structural reform and it involves the substitution of one type of economic activity for another, the improvement geographical distribution of resources and the adaptation of institutions to enable more productive activities.
the purpose of such reform is to increase efficiency, remove distortions and wasteful government interventions, better provide skills, promote investment and growth and make markets work better. such reforms further entail changes in regulatory and institutional structures, as well as within product and factor markets. such reform also includes measures to protect social welfare, revise outdated laws and regulations, create favorable conditions for the entry of firms, introduce competition into concentrated markets, reduce the degree of government domination in areas where state capacity is inadequate and find sustainable means of financing infrastructure in a market and budgetary context.
structural reform
pdf documents can be a useful guide for professionals seeking to design and implement such reforms. such documents will often outline the analytic framework for setting objectives, diagrams indentying stakeholders, and mapping out action plan with both expected and objectives returns. in addition, such finance provides important insight into the macro-economy of the policy’s.
structural reforms offers the possibility to amend economic regulations and the playing field to better reflect the dynamics and turbulent interplay of free and regulated markets. therefore more managers and policymakers of both developed and developing countries have been recommending and engaging this sort of setup in order to tackle the economic and market turmoils that developed and developing countries around the world are facing.
1. 经济学人-《中国:结构性改革是必要的》(https://www.economist.com/leaders/2013/12/28/structural-reform-is-needed-in-china)
2. 世行-《中国:结构调整的任务》(https://www.econ.worldbank.org/publicationstermoutputshandbooks/pb/2166-chinastructuralredirectiontask)
3. 李笑来-《中国经济增长:规模与结构》(http://xiao-lai.com/pgdan0305.pdf)
4. 刘颖-《中国类电子商务小镇,结构性和场域研究》(https://www.ruishiresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/structural-and-in-field-studies-on-china%e2%80%99s-class-electronic-commerce-towns-liu-ying.pdf)
结构性改革 豆瓣
[g1] reformation
reformation (in many cases referred to as "structural reformation") is the process of changing or reorganizing the entire structure and core elements of various systems with the aim of making them more efficient and effective through new policies, regulations, laws, and/or procedures. it is often used as a term for organizational change in the corporate world, but it is also applicable to government reform and activities in other public sectors. structural reforms aim to improve the functioning of an organization or system by increasing its efficiency, effectiveness, and public accountability. some of the most common structural reforms are: simplifying bureaucracy, improving corporate governance, reforming anticorruption policies, and enhancing the rule of law. the overall goal of such reforms is to create healthier and more productive societies that benefit all citizens.