2022-12-28 22:49:09
pdflarge is an image editing software designed to help users turn their documents into larger formats. with pdflarge, you can easily customize the size of your text, images, change colors and more.
with a few clicks, you can quickly and easily enlarge your pdf to any size of your choosing, including select text size, image quality, margins and pages. pdflarge also offers a range of features and services, such as cropping and resizing, handling, splitting and merging files, analysis, outputs and printing digital documents in images.
the scaling feature is a great tool for adjusting sizes in situations where the original content needed to be enlarged or decreased. for example, if you’re working with an oversized document in pdf format, pdflarge can help you zoom to the desired level of detail on the enlarged pdf.
overall, pdflarge is an easy-to-use, very versatile tool that can help you to change the size of your passed pdf document as well as detect issues with formatting or size for provided benefits outside of just enlarging texts and graphics. all in all, it is certainly a great tool to have at your disposal.
enlarge: function(container) {
var $container = $(container);
var targetpagescale = engineinstancestorager.getmiddleelementconstraints().importanttoknowsize(800);
engineinstancestorager.pagesizes[$container.index()].scale = targetpagescale;
var page = engineinstancestorager.flip.turnpage[$container.index()];
page && page.reset(targetpagescale);// 元素页面重绘
var width = window.innerwidth;
var height = window.innerheight;
width /= engine.devicepixelratio;
height /= engine.devicepixelratio;
var requestmatrixes = engineinstancestorager.flip.requestmatrixes;
engineinstancestorager.flipinterface.next().trigger('end', [ , , $container, requestmatrixes[$container.index()], !page && true]);