2022-12-28 20:19:05
as the business world rapidly changes day by day, the need for well educated and knowledgable salespeople is higher than ever. the world of marketing is one of the most important skillset that anyone can have in today’s market. one great resource to help develop needed skills is the “marketing fundamentals”
this 16-page pdf is exceptionally written and offers a great overview of marketing fundamentals. it covers many topics such as the basics of market research, understanding consumer behavior, the role of branding, segmentation and positioning, pricing strategies, adoptions of social media, message strategies and measuring returns on investment. it also provides interactive activities to engage reader and practice their understanding.
in addition, the “marketing fundamentals” pdf contains real-world uses of how successful companies are utilizing marketing. it allows salespeople, business owners, and managers to relate their current method of marketing with the presented theoretical concepts and make improvements in their own strategies and operations.
its clear and structured layout guides readers to better understand the sales process cycle and be contemporary and adaptive to the ever-changing developments in marketing. furthermore, the information presented in this pdf helps build the reader's critical thinking skills in terms of applying marketing principles to their own sales methodology.
“marketing fundamentals” pdf is the perfect starting point for anyone wishing to embark on the journey to maximize their sales potential. if you’re trying to stay updated and competitive, this resource is invaluable and loaded with the essentials every marketer needs to be successful in today’s market.
"t_p": "新华教育电子出版社",
"con": ["张欣_m20102772","张芳芳_m20102773"]
// updateone就够
的《市场营销学》(第5版)[美]莱恩·布雷 lawerenceu.blair著,是高等院校工商管理类专业教材,也是多所大学和管理学校业务精篇必读读物,深入之处,但都是直截了当,读者可以毫不费力地理解其中深奥之处。
这本教材也可以在新东方英语网上找到(http://www.pincool.com/specialsyllabus/details.php?id=45141),语言清楚易懂,内容分神和梳理,对企业国际化、市场营销学理论及实务深入、 多层面深入讨论。教材由5篇总论文组成:从传统营销范畴概览起,即把市场营销分为5个主要分支-客户管理、营销研究与营销视域,形成整体理论基础。整本书充满丰富的案例,并附有大量案例分析题,对我们对营销有全面深入的理解都大有裨益!