2022-12-28 11:12:30
pdf stands for portable document format. it is an increasingly popular digital document file format that enables you to store fonts, images, layout and designs within a document using a compressed filing system. it was developed in 1993 by adobe systems to provide a platform-independent means of exchanging documents reliably.
using the pdf file format, you can easily publish and share documents regardless of what system or software the other party has on their end. it offers hundreds of features that make it desirable for numerous users all over the world. in particular, it allows for high-level printing and accurate reproduction. additional features allow password protection and digital signatures to protect ownership and intellectual property rights of information contained in the pdf file.
converting from other document types to pdf is an easy and quick process. in just a few clicks, you can turn documents such as microsoft word, excel and other software file formats into pdf documents.additionally, you can transfer your pdf documents to other digital formats with relative ease.
that brings us to what can be done with a pdf document. once you convert your document to pdf, you have access to a great number of options. you can annotate, add notes, images, and text to your document. you can also password-protect the document so that only certain individuals or groups have access over the material contained within. finally, if the document contains personal information, you can add suitable security measures, so that no one can misuse your data.
as evident, pdf can truly revolutionize the way you think sharing, distributing and storing documents. now, instead of relying on third-party applications for getting your message across, you can now convey even more complex documents in pdf format in just a few clicks.
1. 在 mac 上可以使用「safari 浏览器」的自带功能「打印到 pdf。保存到文件,可以快速将网页转化成 pdf 了
2. 除此之外,常用的在线转换工具,比如 small pdf 或者 filestack,都可以快速实现将网页转换成 pdf 的功能了
3. 其实还有有很多 mac 下的轻量级 pdf 程序,也可以实现将网页灰保存成 pdf 的功能。例如:ipdf-ii、markup pdf、pdf lighten、skim。与「safari 打印到文件」相比,这些软件可以进行些更细节的控制,增加这种''打印到 pdf''的灵活性。
有可能原文件有空白字符,或者有不中止空格。把所有的空格和换行符清洗掉,再重新使用pd转换器转换试试,若仍有空白页,有可能是根据原文件网页布局,office click转换pdf遇到空行也会去多了插一空白页,可以尝试找pdf更先进转换技术,然后重新实施pdf制备测谎仪