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php word转pdf-php怎么实现word转pdf

2022-11-23 04:11:21




  1. 高版本的word本身带有保存成pdf格式的功能,2012版以上就有这个功能。保存文件是直接另存为即可。

  2. 使用wps文字,也具有直接保存pdf格式的功能。

  3. 在低版本word上安装插件,例如flashpaper,这相当于给电脑装了一个虚拟打印机,输出成为pdf文件。

  4. 建议不要安装那个狸窝的转换器,我用过,给系统带来一些问题。


1、用scansoft pdf converter pro v3.0 特别版
2、可以利用office 2003中的microsoft office document imaging组件来实现pdf转word文档,
用adobe reader打开想转换的pdf文件,接下来选择“文件→打印”菜单,在打开的“打印”窗口中将“打印机”
栏中的名称设置为“microsoft office document image writer”,确认后将该pdf文件输出为mdi格式的虚拟打印文件。
注:如果没有找到“microsoft office document image writer”项,使用office 2003安装光盘中的“添加/删除
组件”更新安装该组件,选中“office 工具 microsoft draw转换器”。
然后,运行“microsoft office document imaging”,并利用它来打开刚才保存的mdi文件,选择“工具→将文本
以上仅在word2003中可用,其他版本没有microsoft office document image writer。



pdf_activate_item ― activate structure element or other content item
pdf_add_annotation ― add annotation [deprecated]
pdf_add_bookmark ― add bookmark for current page [deprecated]
pdf_add_launchlink ― add launch annotation for current page [deprecated]
pdf_add_locallink ― add link annotation for current page [deprecated]
pdf_add_nameddest ― create named destination
pdf_add_note ― set annotation for current page [deprecated]
pdf_add_outline ― add bookmark for current page [deprecated]
pdf_add_pdflink ― add file link annotation for current page [deprecated]
pdf_add_table_cell ― add a cell to a new or existing table
pdf_add_textflow ― create textflow or add text to existing textflow
pdf_add_thumbnail ― add thumbnail for current page
pdf_add_weblink ― add weblink for current page [deprecated]
pdf_arc ― draw a counterclockwise circular arc segment
pdf_arcn ― draw a clockwise circular arc segment
pdf_attach_file ― add file attachment for current page [deprecated]
pdf_begin_document ― create new pdf file
pdf_begin_font ― start a type 3 font definition
pdf_begin_glyph ― start glyph definition for type 3 font
pdf_begin_item ― open structure element or other content item
pdf_begin_layer ― start layer
pdf_begin_page_ext ― start new page
pdf_begin_page ― start new page [deprecated]
pdf_begin_pattern ― start pattern definition
pdf_begin_template_ext ― start template definition
pdf_begin_template ― start template definition [deprecated]
pdf_circle ― draw a circle
pdf_clip ― clip to current path
pdf_close_image ― close image
pdf_close_pdi_page ― close the page handle
pdf_close_pdi ― close the input pdf document [deprecated]
pdf_close ― close pdf resource [deprecated]
pdf_closepath_fill_stroke ― close, fill and stroke current path
pdf_closepath_stroke ― close and stroke path
pdf_closepath ― close current path
pdf_concat ― concatenate a matrix to the ctm
pdf_continue_text ― output text in next line
pdf_create_3dview ― create 3d view
pdf_create_action ― create action for objects or events
pdf_create_annotation ― create rectangular annotation
pdf_create_bookmark ― create bookmark
pdf_create_field ― create form field
pdf_create_fieldgroup ― create form field group
pdf_create_gstate ― create graphics state object
pdf_create_pvf ― create pdflib virtual file
pdf_create_textflow ― create textflow object
pdf_curveto ― draw bezier curve
pdf_define_layer ― create layer definition
pdf_delete_pvf ― delete pdflib virtual file
pdf_delete_table ― delete table object
pdf_delete_textflow ― delete textflow object
pdf_delete ― delete pdflib object
pdf_encoding_set_char ― add glyph name and/or unicode value
pdf_end_document ― close pdf file
pdf_end_font ― terminate type 3 font definition
pdf_end_glyph ― terminate glyph definition for type 3 font
pdf_end_item ― close structure element or other content item
pdf_end_layer ― deactivate all active layers
pdf_end_page_ext ― finish page
pdf_end_page ― finish page
pdf_end_pattern ― finish pattern
pdf_end_template ― finish template
pdf_endpath ― end current path
pdf_fill_imageblock ― fill image block with variable data
pdf_fill_pdfblock ― fill pdf block with variable data
pdf_fill_stroke ― fill and stroke path
pdf_fill_textblock ― fill text block with variable data
pdf_fill ― fill current path
pdf_findfont ― prepare font for later use [deprecated]
pdf_fit_image ― place image or template
pdf_fit_pdi_page ― place imported pdf page
pdf_fit_table ― place table on page
pdf_fit_textflow ― format textflow in rectangular area
pdf_fit_textline ― place single line of text
pdf_get_apiname ― get name of unsuccessfull api function
pdf_get_buffer ― get pdf output buffer
pdf_get_errmsg ― get error text
pdf_get_errnum ― get error number
pdf_get_font ― get font [deprecated]
pdf_get_fontname ― get font name [deprecated]
pdf_get_fontsize ― font handling [deprecated]
pdf_get_image_height ― get image height [deprecated]
pdf_get_image_width ― get image width [deprecated]
pdf_get_majorversion ― get major version number [deprecated]
pdf_get_minorversion ― get minor version number [deprecated]
pdf_get_parameter ― get string parameter
pdf_get_pdi_parameter ― get pdi string parameter [deprecated]
pdf_get_pdi_value ― get pdi numerical parameter [deprecated]
pdf_get_value ― get numerical parameter
pdf_info_font ― query detailed information about a loaded font
pdf_info_matchbox ― query matchbox information
pdf_info_table ― retrieve table information
pdf_info_textflow ― query textflow state
pdf_info_textline ― perform textline formatting and query metrics
pdf_initgraphics ― reset graphic state
pdf_lineto ― draw a line
pdf_load_3ddata ― load 3d model
pdf_load_font ― search and prepare font
pdf_load_iccprofile ― search and prepare icc profile
pdf_load_image ― open image file
pdf_makespotcolor ― make spot color
pdf_moveto ― set current point
pdf_new ― create pdflib object
pdf_open_ccitt ― open raw ccitt image [deprecated]
pdf_open_file ― create pdf file [deprecated]
pdf_open_gif ― open gif image [deprecated]
pdf_open_image_file ― read image from file [deprecated]
pdf_open_image ― use image data [deprecated]
pdf_open_jpeg ― open jpeg image [deprecated]
pdf_open_memory_image ― open image created with php's image functions [not supported]
pdf_open_pdi_page ― prepare a page
pdf_open_pdi ― open pdf file [deprecated]
pdf_open_tiff ― open tiff image [deprecated]
pdf_pcos_get_number ― get value of pcos path with type number or boolean
pdf_pcos_get_stream ― get contents of pcos path with type stream, fstream, or string
pdf_pcos_get_string ― get value of pcos path with type name, string, or boolean
pdf_place_image ― place image on the page [deprecated]
pdf_place_pdi_page ― place pdf page [deprecated]
pdf_process_pdi ― process imported pdf document
pdf_rect ― draw rectangle
pdf_restore ― restore graphics state
pdf_resume_page ― resume page
pdf_rotate ― rotate coordinate system
pdf_save ― save graphics state
pdf_scale ― scale coordinate system
pdf_set_border_color ― set border color of annotations [deprecated]
pdf_set_border_dash ― set border dash style of annotations [deprecated]
pdf_set_border_style ― set border style of annotations [deprecated]
pdf_set_char_spacing ― set character spacing [deprecated]
pdf_set_duration ― set duration between pages [deprecated]
pdf_set_gstate ― activate graphics state object
pdf_set_horiz_scaling ― set horizontal text scaling [deprecated]
pdf_set_info_author ― fill the author document info field [deprecated]
pdf_set_info_creator ― fill the creator document info field [deprecated]
pdf_set_info_keywords ― fill the keywords document info field [deprecated]
pdf_set_info_subject ― fill the subject document info field [deprecated]
pdf_set_info_title ― fill the title document info field [deprecated]
pdf_set_info ― fill document info field
pdf_set_layer_dependency ― define relationships among layers
pdf_set_leading ― set distance between text lines [deprecated]
pdf_set_parameter ― set string parameter
pdf_set_text_matrix ― set text matrix [deprecated]
pdf_set_text_pos ― set text position
pdf_set_text_rendering ― determine text rendering [deprecated]
pdf_set_text_rise ― set text rise [deprecated]
pdf_set_value ― set numerical parameter
pdf_set_word_spacing ― set spacing between words [deprecated]
pdf_setcolor ― set fill and stroke color
pdf_setdash ― set simple dash pattern
pdf_setdashpattern ― set dash pattern
pdf_setflat ― set flatness
pdf_setfont ― set font
pdf_setgray_fill ― set fill color to gray [deprecated]
pdf_setgray_stroke ― set stroke color to gray [deprecated]
pdf_setgray ― set color to gray [deprecated]
pdf_setlinecap ― set linecap parameter
pdf_setlinejoin ― set linejoin parameter
pdf_setlinewidth ― set line width
pdf_setmatrix ― set current transformation matrix
pdf_setmiterlimit ― set miter limit
pdf_setpolydash ― set complicated dash pattern [deprecated]
pdf_setrgbcolor_fill ― set fill rgb color values [deprecated]
pdf_setrgbcolor_stroke ― set stroke rgb color values [deprecated]
pdf_setrgbcolor ― set fill and stroke rgb color values [deprecated]
pdf_shading_pattern ― define shading pattern
pdf_shading ― define blend
pdf_shfill ― fill area with shading
pdf_show_boxed ― output text in a box [deprecated]
pdf_show_xy ― output text at given position
pdf_show ― output text at current position
pdf_skew ― skew the coordinate system
pdf_stringwidth ― return width of text
pdf_stroke ― stroke path
pdf_suspend_page ― suspend page
pdf_translate ― set origin of coordinate system
pdf_utf16_to_utf8 ― convert string from utf-16 to utf-8
pdf_utf32_to_utf16 ― convert string from utf-32 to utf-16
pdf_utf8_to_utf16 ― convert string from utf-8 to utf-16
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