2022-12-30 18:27:24
female feminist is a political and social movement that seeks to gain equality and aimed rights for women and to collaborate international common human rights . it is come from the belief that disparity between men and women around the world, exists for reasons other than natural.
the core idea of feminism is the political management of gender development from household duties of reducing negative impact of family unequal treatment and accessibility of job markets and salaries, education atrophies or inequalities, gender injustice, political and social abuse etc. influenced by freud, traditional philosophies and the sociology of sex and gender, feminist theory encourages structural and cultural debasements to realized principles of gender plan.
this women's movement focuses on economic, political and social equality, freedom of expression and ideas.u.n charter granted the right to "men and women", regardless of whatever their nation, color or religion creed. acknowledging these acknowledgment and assignments , different levels of woman title has started as early 2016, which may lead to strengthen gender performance. the themes which conventionally determined as women's activities were certainly subjugated with women supporters to strength purpose of legitimated women rights.
feminism is widespread to include economic and legal imperative and the acquisition of reproductive powers. the ideology brings varied disagreement, both intractable belief about the definition, caousations and consequences of sexism.
the key goal of today’s global young women is in three-fold value : teach, employ, global connection. this is a call for young women who have newly taken responsibilities . especially due to climate change and economy transformation during the past few decades ,women have been given the chance to become groundbreaking accomplishments.through internet connection and reaching out , the society has advanced its rule for esteem women’s autonomy .
this knowledged describes their commitment , “what fundamental potential do young women have ranging from age of 0 to 25 years ?to answer this feminist practice has embedded some empowering opinion such as promote gender equality aiming social justice of women’s individuals. overall gender evaluation extentfemale feminist approaches.

5、有道翻译: http://dict.youdao.com/search?q=%e5%a5%b3%e6%80%a7%e4%b8%bb%e4%b9%89%e6%80%9d%e6%b3%952
6、女性史网: http://www.womenshi.com/shitol26/txtlong745.html

1. germaine greer, the female eunuch (1970)
2.bell hooks, feminist theory: from margin to center (1984)
3. catherine mackinnon, feminism unmodified (1987)
4. naomi wolf,the beauty myth (1991)
5. audre lorde, sister outsider: essays and speeches (1984)
6. pratibha parmar, “the challenge to consider: using third world/postcolonial feminist critiques to interrogate theory and practice of global women's movements” (2005)
7. shulamith firestone,the dialectic of sex (1970)
8. gloria anzaldua, borderlands/la frontera: the new mestiza (1987)
9. judith butler, bodies that matter (1993)
10. adrienne rich, of woman born (1976)