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2022-12-30 16:48:38
economic game theory is an area of economics that analyzes the decision making process of individual agents in terms of their rational choices in the presence of limited resources. this theory seeks to understand how a market behaves and how participants might interact, choosing decisions that maximize their payoff and minimize losses. this theory has been widely studied in politics, psychology, sociology, and economics since its conception and has had a strong influence on the economics literature over the past few decades.
the pdf ‘economic game theory’ provides a comprehensive theoretical and empirical assessment of this field of economics, including sections on the various strategies used in game theory and how they can facilitate decision making. it also provides an in depth look into the field’s applications and analysis of decision making and its implications. one major feature of the pdf is the attention it pays to key economics concepts such as zero-sum games, bayesian games, arbitrage, and partial information. by exploring these topics, the text enlightens its readers on more complex topics.
economic game theory is an essential reference book for economists, game theorists, and those at advanced levels of economics education. it is an invaluable resource for those seeking an integrated account of the theories, analysis, and application of modern game theory, with a particular focus on its use in economics. the pdf is also very comprehensive, offering a wide range of different case studies and thought experiments that can be used as a reference point when looking to understand the basics behind player and market interactions. not only is it an easy read but its extensive body of theory, application and economic research provides readers with an understanding of the typical market behaviour.
it is clear to see why ‘economic game theory’ is necessary reading for anyone with an interest in this fascinating area. its comprehensive approach simultaneously introduces readers to not just the basics but to cornerstones of economic thinking – all in an easy to read format. it’s certainly worth a read!


a. 博弈中令一方报酬最大化的最佳策略称为弱均衡策略。
b. 所有的支配性战略都构成最佳战略组合的一个强均衡策略。
d. 拐点博弈论试图提供参与方关于一次性交易中的争论解法的投资者容忍度的信息。
c. 纳什均衡是一种模型,它允许多个参与方在其愿景不同的情况下进行博弈。


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2. osborne m, rubinstein a. a course in game theory. cambridge, ma: the mit press, 1994.
3. myerson r. bargaining: game theoretic approaches. in kart k. foundations of game theory (vol 12.). new york: wiley, 1983, 1-23.
4. jehle g, reny p. advanced microeconomic theory. upper saddle river, nj: prentice hall, 2001.
5. mas-colell a, whinston m, green j. microeconomic theory. oxford: oxford university press, 1995.
6. kreps d. flavor economics: strategic thinking in economics, organizations and markets. princeton university press, 1990.
7. binmore k. playing for real: a text on game theory. oxford: oxford university press, 2007.
8. lewis d. cooperation in prisoner’s dilemma. journal of economic theory, 1971, 2, 123-179.
9. nash j, nash j. the bargaining problem. econometrica, 1950, 18, 1-11.
10. aumann r, binmorekg. the bargaining set in cooperative games. mathematical social sciences, 1989, 18, 285-304.
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