2022-12-29 20:40:17
clinical epidemiology is an important branch of biomedical science that studies the interactions of diseases and other agents occurring in populations and how these interactions affect individuals. clinical epidemiology is concerned with determining risk factors associated with the development of diseases and how interventions can be targeted to change impact on morbidity, mortality and associated outcomes.
clinical epidemiology also explores prevention and control of diseases and studies the causes, prevalence, incidence and distribution of diseases in populations. it is a subspecialty of epidemiology (the study of the occurrence and distribution of diseases in population). this branch of epidemiology involves strategies which include personal education of the population, detection of causal agents and consequent specifications of suitable interventions and preventative measures.
clinical epidemiological studies have wide relevance in developing public health implementations in primary care and evidence-based medicine. these studies are important in establishing methods of treatments particular to a certain patient and also in developing population-level interventions. the report of clinical epidemiology is also propagated to summarise existing scientific evidence and suggest implications in healthcare policy.
a comprehensive understanding of epidemiological data is highly necessary to ensure the performance of studies that face challenges in deciphering complexity inherent to clinical practice. with the ability of searchable access to come across the necessary information for epidemiological studies, the internet provides one of the richest libraries of epidemiology. the core concepts are best learnt through clinical epidemiology
clinical epidemiological studies also explore options on how to improve treatments by identifying disparities in quality of care by measuring end points of morbidity, mortality and health care cost. this studies equip healthcare team with evidence demonstrating any improvements of the delivery over that of long-term outcomes to make informed decisions through comprehensive understanding of the efficacy and consequences of particular treatment. clinical epidemiology pdf can be found here to study in depth.
through increased accessibility to electronic medical records, clinicians can make wise management of clinical decisions where extremely valuable data obtained can provide epidemiological evidence of work procedures required to expose challenges in patient care. all this researchers lead to early diagnosis, safe treatments and improved quality of care.


临床流行病学是临床医学的重要组成部分,是用系统、科学 v#i~ef+b%qxn6(xg、客观方法调查、预防流行病和慢性非传染病的一种学术体系。临床流行病学研究病因、发生及相关危险因素,帮助临床医生清楚地认识疾病的流行状况和媒介疾病的发生机理,为临床决策及治疗提供依据。