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2022-12-29 00:16:44
the practice of management
when seeking a competitive edge in today’s competitive business world, effective management is key. those who embrace the principles and practice of management will create an environment in which all employees can become producers in their firm, suppliers of raw resources and customers can benefit from the efficiency and productivity of the team led.
in essence, the practice of management involves offering leadership to gain improvements in the organizational performance, utilizing personnel adequately and utilizing resources as desired. the practice of management involves continually adapting and improving systems, practices, and procedures to address the needs and changes of the organizational environment. this type of management combines the tactical and strategic methods in a organized fashion in order to accomplish high-level objectives.
typically, the practice of management provides four primary functions: planning, organizing, leading and controlling. the plan focuses on envisioning the desired performance goals and formulating a critical plan path leading to the attainment of these goals. the organize facet entails assembling and organizing the available resources, and reallocating those resources in method to reach the peak performance potential. the leading part of the management practice steers organizational behavior and motivation in a desired direction. the controlling composition looks to detect any disparities that may role up along the way with the mission, vision and guiding principles of the organization.
management skills as a toolbox. rather than having a system that is set up from the beginning, one should have a management skills tool-kit that is ready to be utilized when required. a toolbox of management skills entails having an array of skills that can be useful in addressing various areas. leadership, organization and communication are prime several of the types of performance utilized in management practice. having a combination of the various tools at hand can provide invaluable to promoting a favored workplace.
in conclusion, the practice of management plays an imperative role in leading and motivating individuals in a desired direction. appropriate resources, adequate personnel and a steadfast commitment to the organization’s core values and guiding principles are considered key elements when operationalizing the objects of the organization in relation with those internal and external stakeholders involved. the practices of thought-process, logic, methodical planning and the assimilation of appropriate resource will ensure the necessity of implementing management techniques throughout an organization in order to maximize efficiency, productivity and profits.


1. 《精益敏捷者――现代化环境中 scrum 的实施》(lean-agile-scrum for the modern-era),作者:克里斯韦朗-休伯特
2. 《千锤百炼:行之有效的 scrum 方法》(forged in scrum),作者:比尔-迪凯塔维
3. 《实战 scrum:学会如何开发更具价值的软件》(scrum mastery: from good to great servant-leadership),作者:马斯-泰弗勒特
4. 《敏捷软件开发:实行敏捷方法的原则、模式及实践》(agile software development: principles, patterns and practices),作者:詹姆斯-颜伊,曹志勇
5. 《运用 scrum 构建高效软件》(building efficient software with scrum),作者:查夫-奎里兹
6. 《敏捷企业:敏捷适用与变更管理的 meeting effective practices》(agile enterprise: implementing meeting effective practices for agile and change management),作者:纳谢铁-guille carbonell
7. 《使命驱动的 holo 管理:从敏捷考虑》(mission-driven holo management: considerations from an agile perspective),作者:杰瑞-伊斯拉维
8. 《敏捷组织构建:从理念到正式实践》(agile organization design: from concept to formal practices),作者:安德里亚-诺斯


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