2022-12-29 00:01:56
engineering economics is an important concept for those in the engineering, construction and infrastructure fields. this branch of financial and economic analysis is used to understand how investments in projects and buildings are priced and evaluated against investment objectives. engineers in all disciplines, especially project and construction professionals, must understand engineering economics to effect economical decision- and cost- making.
the primary methodologies of engineering economics include present worth analysis, internal rate of return and equivalent annual worth. each method applies to a specific type of engineering problem and project. professionals will calculate the cost of investment turned into only one problem either in terms of money, time, interest rate or inflation rate.
understanding the principles of engineering economics and its empirical applications, as subdivided into short-term and long-term investments, requires deconstructing financial and economic theory to their underlying foundations. to simplify the application and understanding of concepts, engineers interested in applying engineering economics must blend together the key ideas of statistics, mathematics and economics.
considering the growing relevance of engineering economics and its applications, many resources including
pdfs, scholarly books and market reports that provide detailed information and information examples are available in both printed and digital formats. doing simple internet searches on topics such as "engineering economics fundamentals" or "engineering economics tools" yields a wealth of resources dedicated to explaining the field in detail and exposing readers to the finer points of economic analysis and project evaluation. alternatively, other universities and private agencies such as the american society of civil engineers offer online seminars to help people understand and master the principles and methodology of engineering economics.
18、suppose there is a monopoly producer selling two commodities, a and b. his currentprospects are discussed in following tables. the last two columns are respectively histotal revenue and profit:
a b total total profit
price($) 2 6 8 20 280
output(kg) 120 30 150 (a)以单位商品价格计算而言,经营者应代价重组出售商品组合?
a.商品a 180 和 商品b 30
b.商品a 120 和 商品b 30
c.商品a 120 和 商品b 60
d.商品a 120 和 商品b 45