2022-12-28 23:06:42
with the development of social economy flooding with orders of
pdf files and documents, how to quickly print these documents moved to pdf has become an urgent problem and needs a perfect solution.
to solve these problems, here we offer an effective way -- pdf batch printing. pdf batch printing is an efficient printing and batch process utility that could allows you to print large volume pdf files and documents in batches automatically and conveniently. it works by setting the defined options to print all documents faster and meanwhile it's reliable highly.
another advantage of this tool is its reasonable price, i.t is freely for the lifetime. this will do great help for various business which need to print numberless pdf files everyday. what is more, with this program users furthermore have the freedom to select theoddpages,eventpagesrange,predefinedpage quantity etc. it can also set different page spreads in single sheet or multiple sheet for various purposes. not us users could make some changes on page margin, page size and page scaling before make a final printing. it is easy to use, with no complicate preivous knowledge before you try it. just 7 easy sptes to comform your own a to b printer settings. once all settings are in running, leaving it do the rest burdenan d make all work done extremely.
in conclusion, the advantage of using pdf batch printing free is the powerful settingcustomizable function, which allows you to configure yourself this technical demand handily and freely, it supports to printer any type fo pdf documents you want and print numberless in shortest possisble time with highest quality. this freeware will be definitely your top concern since it very reliable in existing


§§ --- print-gold-pdf/main.py
§§ 1000
+# coding:utf-8
+print:cmd指令 acrobat distiller可以赋予"权限",安装setting里的驱动就可以直接打印pdf了
+import os
+import subprocess
+def getfilename(ftype,basedir):
+ print_list=list()
+ for parent,dirnames,filenames in os.walk(basedir): # 3个参数:分别返回1.父目录 2.所有文件夹名字(不含路径) 3.所有文件名字
+ for filename in filenames: # 值得注意的是,count计数在不同的磁盘,磁盘不会通畅,很有可能导致中断的
+ print filename
+ filetype=os.path.join(parent,filename).split('.')[-1]
+ if ftype in (filetype.lower()):
+ #print('append ' +filename)
+ firstname=os.path.join(parent,filename).split('.')[0].split('\'z')[1]
+ print_list.append(firstname)
+ return print_list
+if '__main__'==__name__:
+ ftype="pdf"
+ file_url='i:\\下载\\周报\\苏科控股有限公司'
+ pdf_list=getfilename(ftype,file_url)
+ for key in pdf_list:
+ _pdf_file = key + '.' + ftype
+ sandboxpath = 'd:/sandbox/'+_pdf_file
+ acrolog="i:\\顶#kub\\办公软件#ttx\\在用软件搭配,慎重升级\\video_1000_ke\\proas\\activexviewer\\acrord32.exe"
+ #subprocess.call('cmd /c start \"document '+_pdf_file +'\"\"'+acrolog+' '+sandboxpath)
+ subprocess.call('cmd /c start \"dcoument '+_pdf_file+'\" '+acrolog+' '+sandboxpath )
+ print ""