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2022-12-28 10:13:59
when it comes to developing your higher dimension intelligence, it is important to first understand what it truly means to think in a higher dimensional way. to start, it is essential to expand the scope of our thought processes to beyond the boundaries currently imposed by our logical ego. our logical ego was developed slowly through the accumulation of experiences, opinions, and beliefs throughout our life. the logical ego is limited in its thought processes because it only has access to information from this realm.
in order to expand our frame of thinking, we need to tap into higher dimensional states of thinking. this means we need to view the world through an entirely different lenses in order to allow new information to come into our conscious awareness.
some examples of higher-dimensional thinking are abstract thought, creativity and intuition. abstract thought allows us to see the ‘bigger picture’; it involves the expansion of our thoughts away from the standard 3d (or logical) perspectives. this can be thought of as a more expansive view on reality than the single directional thought process humans typically use.
creativity involves being able to think and explore possible solutions outside the box, while intutive abilities allows us to “know” information without through direct experiences. to unleash such abilities, we need to continuously exercise our minds, bodies and emotions; by engaging in activities such as yoga, expressive therapy and meditation.
engaging reflexive activities can provide a great opportunity for connection with the underlying vortex spin; have the energetic field subtle connections with our beings. finally, spiritual practices including japa dharma and tantra, help further expand our spiritual apertures to access higher dimensional frameworks.
by accessing higher dimensional thinking, we can gain insights into the universe without needing to access our day sciences alone. as we connect into the higher realms, we open our minds, bodies, and souls to a parallel dimensional experience and life filled with an infinite interconnection of possibilities. this allows us to start to open up to all potential five senses, one at a time. once this is experienced, we can embrace and express the spirit, in ways we have never done so before.
by eating whole, nutritious brain/mind-nourishing foods to exercise internally, one can transcend the limitations and barriers imposed by our ordinary physical reality,and open up the pathway to ultimate superior interpretations about the multidimensional universe.
once the major physical anchors restraints the existence of our finite limitations, the activation of our energetic structured reveals the ultimate path thus allowing us to explore and transits towards experiencing higher dimensions and inner awareness.
with the level of intuition experience and mastered, profound awakenings become a natural awakening to reconnect with the conscious existence that transcends above the thoughts of mediocrity, into highly obtained states of vibrational aspirations in light and awareness.
now that you can have a general understanding of how to start exploringhigh dimension theory and reality, why not start pursuing and unlock the gift of this life and vibrant connection in unity and interconnection. exciting adventure awaits!



high dimensional wisdom is essential to successfully navigate our increasingly interconnected world. nowadays, knowledge has become an essential part of our lives and we need to harness the necessary details that help us make informed decisions. high dimensional wisdom is the mental processing capability to acquire, gather, analyse and comprehend abstract information. this is often accumulated through hands on experience, and a dedication to continually discover what is currently unknown.
high dimensional wisdom looks far and beyond purposeful scenarios, material things and perceived reality. the knowledge acquired and processed by high dimensional wisdom isn’t ignorant to thin connections between postulations, policies and theories – acknowledging, assimilating and mobilizing conclusions derived from various school of thought. it allows for the delve, questioning and inquiry of that which lies beyond our direct perceptional comprehension; combing probabilities, perplexities and multifaceted relations to arrive at reasoned decisions.
by making use of high dimensional wisdom, our existences can be reborn. through understating, comprehending and mastering our cognizant reserves, we can reap the greatest possible benefit of our reality's elements. high dimensional wisdom is ultimately essential in reaching thorough appreciations, astute proactivity and stout planning; each resource playing its part in the acquisition of the vital know-how required to function steering clear of danger and complications--as no problem is too complex with it. high dimensional wisdom is the canvas where an ethnic of conscious creatures is developed, ushering in a new era of enlightenment.



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