2022-12-29 18:12:19
pdf 是为特定编程任务而设计的强大机制,它指的是用c语言编写的程序之间的程序内存管理,所以它是程序数据存储和访问的主要技术。
c和指针 pdf致力于提供开发人员必要的背景知识,以及熟悉c语言的必要技能,用来在自己的工作中采取相关的技术措施。本技术手册将会帮助开发者完成更加专业的编程任务。
c和指针 pdf展示了使用指针的最佳实践,如如何分配内存,优化指针程序,以及在内存安全问题上更加紧密管理变量使用。手册中包括了普及型技术,集中提供有关指针使用如何实现安全编码的学习介绍。 指针中还介绍c方面的话题,其中一些技术是专门为指针学习而开发的,介绍如何更好地服务于编程任务。

c, like other languages, supports the ability to declare pointers that can be used as system wide variables, or other data. a pointer is often referred to as an “address”, since it allows near instantaneous access to a given complex structure located outside the main ip stack.
a pointer is declared as “data type *variable-name”. the declaration really tells the compiler how to reserve the memory that is to be used.
to get the computer to actually allocate and manage the data located in a pointer, you must use operators like “&” and “*”. it is also important to remember that pointers are allocated as pointers to constant memory so you should “cast” the pointer to indicate its function.
the basic operator is the “&” character which improves pointer size performance by causing the computer to store a large address. this operator is similar to the dereferencing operator, which is usually written as “*”. the “&” operator is used to refer to variables that have already been declared.
for example:
int* pnumber; // declares a pointer to an int
// assign a value to the pointer
*pnumber = 10;
// now read the value
int number = *pnumber;
the above example assigns a value of 10 to a pointer to an int, then the program reads the value using the dereferencing operator “*”.
when using a pointer you should always make sure to check it with the null statement before using it. to avoid such errors, this statement should never be used if the pointer had not been set before use:
// this can causes run-time errors
// int number = *pnumber;
points to remember:
- pointers are declarations used to reference containers of data located outside the main ip stack.
- pointers are declared as data type along with a name.
- the “&” operator is used to refer to variables that have already been declared.
- exactly what is being pointed to must be verifies (is ok) with “null” before use.

用 r 是因为是访问内存
1. 内存地址
2. 指针